Stated Meetings: 2nd & 4th Friday of Each Month 8:00 pm Meeting Location: Shiloh Church 4702 Saturn Road Garland, Texas 75049 Mailing Address: P.O. $126 USD per night is the room rate as of the time of this post, but please call (254) 523-6776 and ask for the standing Masonic discount code of LCOUN. Rooms may be limited due to the Baylor winter commencement that weekend. We are a fraternity of men who have joined together to improve ourselves and to provide charity work. Election, Term of Office, Etc .. 30, Section 1. That is a record. {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, Nebraska cheerleader competes by herself at state competition, but crowd doesn't let her feel alone, Mike Copeland: Steak and Ale comeback; Paper plant progress; Bagby apartments; Gaines Booked Up, Elementary school music teacher leaves $6M to Baylor, Former NFL star Chad Johnson says he saved money by living inside Cincinnati Bengals stadium for 2 years, Lake on Waco Creek floated for park next to Floyd Casey development, Whizzbang's owner buys Health Camp with eye to preserving burger joint legacy, Fairfield may be built by Brackens, but it's supported by many parts, Waco Charter School to close after summer classes, Brice Cherry: Collen pushes all the right buttons in her best coaching performance yet, Giant solar project transforms landscape in southern Hill County. The parade featured flags representing emergency responders as well as the flags of all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and overseas possessions. Andersons Old Charges of a Freemason. .. 24, Section 2. Carol Brown, Phoenix, AZ; Chaplain Joseph Brown, Phoenix, AZ; Candidate Bonnie Days, Reno, NV; Coach Diane Bodwell, Phoenix, AZ; Assistant Coach William Darr, Phoenix, AZ. 30, Section 5. Failure to Elect or Install Grand Officers. Prior to the election of the Grand Exalted Ruler, a number of reports were heard, and other officers were elected and appointed. June 29July 2. If you have used our data or site in your research or reporting, add credit and a link to Nonprofit Explorer in your story or publication and let us know. . Presiding Officer Votes in Case of a Tie .. 28, Section 1. ER William Borchert, Greenville, SC; Est. 2021-15 PASSED: To increase the amount subject to immediate distribution by the trustees in the event of the liquidation of a lodge in order to avoid administrative expense associated with the maintenance of nominal trust funds. At the Grand Lodge level, Mills served as district deputy for the Idaho South District from 2008 to 2010, was a regional Hoop Shoot director from 2010 to 2016, and served on the Board of Grand Trustees from 2016 to 2020. 1st Installed State Officers of the Grand Lodge of Texas; Installed State Officers and Elected Boards . Please contact the hotel directly for reservations. Grillo opened by congratulating Elks across the country for their unwavering resilience and their adaptation to the COVID-19 pandemic before turning the presentation over to Elks National Foundation staff members and other presenters. . More details to be added in the coming weeks regarding hotel and meals. Time of Election and Installation . 25, Section 5. Section 3. For the brotherhood email to The June 2022 TLR Annual Meeting and Installation will be held in Dallas, TX on June 18, 2022. Waco December 17, 2022More details to follow as soon as they become available. Over the two years since the 2019 Grand Lodge Session, Klatt reported, the fund provided $120,000 worth of assistance in response to five emergencies in four states. Please click on the link below to make your reservation. All Propositions Must Be Referred to Committee. Most Worshipful G. Clay Smith Right Worshipful Raborn Lovelace Reader, Jr. The host hotel is the Embassy Suites, 1001 E. McCarty Lane, San Marcos, TX 78666, (512) 392-6450. She also congratulated the Elks National Veterans Service Commission on its seventy-fifth anniversary. 2025 Kansas City, Missouri June 29-July 2. GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS . 148, located at 1100 Henderson Street, Fort Worth, TX. Once the flags were placed in the positions of honor that they would hold throughout the session, PGER McPherson introduced PGER Michael T. Luhr, who spoke about the Elks Pearl Harbor Campaign. No Member Can Cast More Than Four Votes. The proposals that passed included a resolution allowing local lodges to waive initiation and first-year fees for current or former Elks scholarship recipients, as well as waiving annual dues for scholarship recipients who are still in school. The host hotel will be Texas A&M Hotel and Conference Center at a nightly group rate of $139 for a King room. Grand Exalted Ruler Ryan also noted that even during a difficult year for everyone, Elks across the country had continued to give generously to the Elks National Foundationaveraging a remarkable $7.73 per capita. 1260 will be co-hosting the event. A room block is heldat the Austin Marriott North, 2600 La Frontera Blvd, Austin, TX 78681. Members 23, Section 2. It is a fraternity of good men, linked together by honorable and indissoluble bonds, striving to accomplish these noble purposes, eschewing all interests in factional politics and sectarian religion and free from the dictation of both. Dispensation, Charters, Etc . 28. The meeting will be on Saturday, March 18 at 9:00 am. Morgan also noted that Elks volunteers were quick to return to in-person volunteering as soon as it was safe to do so. Knight Wayne McDonnell, Lake Hopatcong, NJ; Est. GRAND MASTER'S PAGE Learn More About Masonry Learn More About Masonry Copyright 2021 Pro Publica Inc. The school was among the first 20 or so Texas charter schools formed in 1996. It exists to take good men and help them to become better men. We will meet for the Friday night no host dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse, 2702 Parker Drive, Round Rock, TX 78681. . Steward. Reviewing the state of the Order during his year in office, GER Ryan took special note of a grant of $1,500 that the Grand Lodge provided to each lodge to help with pandemic-related expenses. Krum Masonic Lodge No. . Worshipful Master Jeremy Smith. Masonic Home and School .. 29, Section 4. Texas Masonic History Ask A Freemason Becoming a Mason The lodge will have breakfast tacos available before the meeting, and lunch will be provided. Following this presentation, PGER McPherson introduced Grand Lodge Fraternal Committee Chairman Robert Hinkle, who oversaw the parade of flags. (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). Our Lodge officers 2020-2021 As pictured: Top Row: Scott Surplus, Treasurer, Lewis Bell, District 9A Communications Officer, Brad Bell, Jr. Past Master & Tiler, Bill Strohmeyer, Past Master, Michael Morgan , Jr. An update on the Most Valuable Student Scholarship program was given by ENF Associate Director Debbie Kahler Doles. Close. Our Anson Jones Lecturer this year is D. Allen Surratt, KGC, Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign United Grand Imperial Council Red Cross of Constantine. The March 2021 TLR Meeting will be held in Round Rock, TX on March 20, 2021. Every new lodge must be warranted or chartered by a Grand Lodge, but is subject to its direction only in enforcing the published constitution of the jurisdiction. We just have so many right now. She also noted that the 2021 weekend featured a virtual team-building session led by the famed Chicago improv comedy troupe the Second City. WHEREAS, the Constitution of the M.W. by Web Master | Jan 4, 2021 | Uncategorized. The commission was founded in 1946 to carry on the work of the Elks War Commission, which had provided invaluable national service during World War II. 26, Section 1. It is more than widespread. . 342. Copyright 2021 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. The parade also featured the flags of the five branches of the US Armed Forces, the POW/MIA flag, and the flag of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. For all of our photos, please visit our Facebook page! Raised in Wallkill Lodge No. Justin Duty and other Masons prepare packets this week for an annual three-day event in the auditorium of the Grand Lodge of Texas on Columbus Avenue. However, the final total national giving by the Order in 20202021 was still a very impressive $191,711,668. He noted that the Soccer Shoot had conducted its second virtual national championship and congratulated the five boys and five girls who were national champions in their respective age-groups. Member Winter Session dues late fees will be $25 to the member and $25 fine to the Head of the Lodge/Chapter. The Stated Meeting will be held at 10am on Saturday, March 20thin Round Rock Lodge. Freemasons in Texas - The Grand Lodge of Texas Af&am is a fraternal organization that governs the operation of 781 masonic lodges in Texas. .. 28, Section 1. Same Question Not Acted Upon Again Unless, Reconsidered .. 31. If this organization has filed an amended return, it may not be reflected in the data below. The meeting agenda will include installation of officers, and we have several papers ready for presentation. No Expense of Officers, Representative or, Committees Paid .. 30, Section 2. Presiding Officers. The final day began on a somber note with the observance of the Elks Memorial Service, which was led by Past Grand Exalted Ruler Robert L. Duitsman. When the dust settled and the shoot-off free throws and other tiebreakers were considered, the boys Getty Powell Award winner was Caden Thompson, who was sponsored by the Claremore, Oklahoma, Lodge and competed in the Boys 1213 Division. The camp held its first session in 2021. BECAUSE OF CONCERNS ABOUT THE TRANSMISSION of the COVID-19 virus, the 156th Grand Lodge Session did not include an exhibit hall as it usually does. Stated Meeting Study Night Fundraisers Officers . Richard Schlaudroff and another presentation by Pierre Pete Normand, Past Master of Texas Lodge of Research and Fellow. The winner of Division One was Eliza Corday, who was sponsored by the Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Lodge. Kelly Craine, spokesperson for the Waco-McLennan County Public Health District, said everyone, including the Masons, need to be aware of the risks involved when going out, especially to indoor settings with large groups. The Grand Lodge of Texas Memorial Temple is located at 715 Columbus Avenue, Waco, TX 76701. The revitalization program is composed of three (3) parts:Part 1 Opening Remarks & St. John the Evangelist ObservancePart 2 The Lodge of SorrowPart 3 The Public Local Lodge Installation Ceremony. Miller also indicated that the insurance assessment would need to increase by an additional five dollars in 20232024. Since its inception, Krum Lodge has enjoyed steady growth, and strives to abide by the principles of Freemasonry. Voting by Lodges and Members and Otherwise. Lubbock March 19, 2022Annual meeting and installation for 2022 officers. It was a great night of celebration as the we welcomed the newly installed officers for 2021-2022. WACO, TX The 185th Grand Communications of the Grand Lodge of Texas will take place over a three-day event in Waco beginning Thursday. Sunset Grand Lodge and Sunset Loyal Grand Chapter of Texas, A.R. Thaine Keith Mills has been an Elk since 1990, when he was sponsored to join the Twin Falls, Idaho, Lodge by his father. Carla Pendergraft, director of marketing for the Waco Convention Center and Visitors Bureau, said many conventions set for Waco this year were canceled because of the pandemic. Visit our Grand Master's Page to find resources for Masons. Cryan says with the pandemic, some meetings will be online. The Corporate Charter, the Constitution and Ancient Charges, Under the supervision of the Office of the Grand Secretary, Section 2. This is the 185th grand communication of the Grand Lodge of Texas, which has met in Waco for about 100 years and in the current building since 1947. These audits are copied from the Federal Audit Clearinghouse. 800 pieces of evidence. Communications. . Please email your completed rosters to the respective Grand Secretaries for your respective body. He never set foot in Waco before attending Baylor, and never returned. Junior Warden Randell Lancaster. This consists of separate releases by the IRS of Form 990 documents processed by the agency, which we update regularly. Lockman will attend Harvey Mudd College to study computer science with a focus on rehabilitation robotics. Texas is located at 3609 Shire Boulevard, Richardson, TX 75082, just east of Highway 75 on the George Bush Turnpike. Masons pledge to follow COVID-19 protocols during three-day Waco meeting with 1,000 members. On Saturday, June 12, 2021, the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas and Jurisdiction virtually held its 2021 Revitalization Program led by Honorable Wilbert M. Curtis, Grand Master. MARCH 2023 STATED MEETING & ELECTION/INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS, June 2022 Stated Meeting and Anson Jones Lecture, MARCH 2022 ANNUAL MEETING and Installation Lubbock, DECEMBER 2021 STATED MEETING & Anson Jones Lecture SAN MARCOS, September 2021 Stated Meeting San Angelo, September 2020 Stated Meeting Fort Worth. The attending Elks and their guests were welcomed to Tampa by PGER Malcolm J. McPherson Jr, during the Opening Ceremonies on Sunday night. 760, located at 5300 Forest Ln, Dallas, TX 75244. Description. (972) 458-0962. We will add information about hotel reservations and the no-host dinner as they become available. ER Sean Brennan, Reno, NV; Est. No-host dinner will be on Friday night, June 17, at 6:30 PM at Cantina Laredo. 24, Section 2. This was primarily because the COVID-19 pandemic had limited the volunteer hours that usually make up a significant portion of the annual total. We are seeing our hospitals over-taxed. . Annual Contributions.. 29, or Pay Dues. Small organizations filing a Form 990N "e-Postcard" are not included in this data. The June 2021 TLR Meeting will be held in Waco, TX on June 12, 2021 at 2:00 PM. San Marcos December 4, 2021San Marcos Lodge No. All Winter Session Membership Dues should be collected by the Lodge/Chapter Secretary. The IRS Form 990 is an annual information return that most organizations claiming federal tax-exempt status must file yearly. 202113 PASSED: To clarify the duties and responsibilities of the Grand Lodge Auditing and Accounting Committee and the duties and responsibilities of the local lodge Auditing and Accounting Committee as a result of the use of the new Grand Lodge online Financial Reporting System (FRS). Transactions of theTexas Lodge of Research, Captain Peter F. Tumlinson: Texian Ranger and Mason. The ornate auditorium at the Grand Lodge of Texas at 715 Columbus Ave. has a 3,500-person capacity, Underwood said. BE IT THEREFORE KNOWN, that currently Winter Session is now schedule to be held via a virtual meeting conference. The top male MVS Scholarship winner was Jacob Lockman, who was sponsored by the Mount Adams (White Salmon), Washington, Lodge. Finally, PGER Grillo returned to the stage to close the ENF presentation by urging Elks across the country to join the ENF Fidelity Club, which is a group of loyal Elks who make monthly donations to the foundation. Our host lodge is Waco Lodge No. A vote will be held @ the December Stated meeting. . Stated Meeting Study Night Fundraisers Officers 2021 Installation of Officers Search Grand Lodge of Texas, A.F. Inherent Power to Regulate Masonry . 24, Section 3. He noted that despite the pandemic, he was still able to make twenty-two trips across the nation over the past year, and he thanked the Elks in the many states he had visited who had made those trips possible. Underwood said the three-day event is really only two full days worth of meetings, with the event kicking off Thursday afternoon with the pomp and circumstance of the opening session. . 25, Section 4. Fort Worth June 17, 2023More details to follow as soon as they become available. Reservationis for Friday, September 16 at 7:00 pm, and they have agreed to accommodate us with split checks. Once collected the Lodge/Chapter should pay for all their members in one payment using the payment information listed above. She hopes one day to go to medical school to become a neurosurgeon and then hopes to work with Doctors Without Borders. The customary $12.00 donation for lunch is requested. Cancellations must be received 48 hours prior to check-in. Voted on at Next Communication 31, Do not sell or share my personal information. Walter Griffin Cypress Lodge #1423 12103 Old Huffmeister Rd, Cypress, TX 77429 Stated Meeting: Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday. Our host lodge will be St. Albans Lodge No. 75 witnesses. Lect. Our room rate is available for those who may want to stay an additional night to attend. Nonprofit Explorer includes summary data for nonprofit tax returns and full Form 990 documents, in both PDF and digital formats. Amendment Must Be Approved and Submitted to, Lodges. In thanking the Elks, Utterdyke noted that the new simulations of the USS Oklahoma and USS Utah would be available for free to Elks members for the next year. Worshipful Masters, Worth Matrons, and Department Heads must attend the mandatory workshop. BE IT THEREFORE KNOWN, Pursuant the Laws of the M.W. Officers; 2021 Installation of Officers; 2021 Installation of Officers. Please subscribe to keep reading. A donation of $12.00 for lunch is requested, and an additional donation for breakfast would be appreciated. Posted by. Right Worshipful H. Bart Henderson Sunset Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, State of Texas, to affix hereto, this 23rd day of November 2020 A.D., 6020 A.L. The funds proved to be extremely valuable during the pandemic, allowing Pacific Historic Parks, the organization that supervises the memorials, to create several virtual presentations that enabled people to explore the memorial even though they were unable to travel there in person. More than 1,000 Masons from across Texas are on their way to Waco for an annual meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Texas in what is expected to be among the largest indoor gatherings in Waco during the pandemic that continues to rage unchecked. We accomplish this through the principles and lessons of the fraternity. Cryan says he hopes those visiting will help local businesses. For any questions, please contact the hotel at 979-260-2235. 23, Section 1. In addition to the raw summary data, we link to PDFs and digital copies of full Form 990 documents wherever possible. Meetings will be held in their auditorium at the Grand Lodge of Texas in downtown Waco. Austin, Texas June 30-July 3. Every organization that has been recognized as tax exempt by the IRS has to file Form 990 every year, unless they make less than $200,000 in revenue and have less than $500,000 in assets, in which case they have to file form 990-EZ. Senior Warden Matthew Tucker. Please be respectful of them and the office they hold and be grateful for their service to you the members. Lodge Officers for 2021-2022. Read the API documentation . Scott Surplus, Treasurer, Lewis Bell, District 9A Communications Officer, Brad Bell, Jr. Past Master & Tiler, Bill Strohmeyer, Past Master, Michael Morgan , Jr. We focus on making the maximum positive effort for our community. Kelly Craine with the Waco-McLennan County Public Health District says since the meetings are taking place on private property, they did not have to get a city permit for the three-day event. 342. Past Grand Exalted Ruler Millard Pickering, who is chairman of the ENF Board of Trustees Drug Awareness Subcommittee, next stepped to the podium to speak about the Elks National Drug Awareness Program. : GREETINGS AND SALUTATIONS IN THE NAME OF THE GAOTU If votes at the December 10th Stated Meeting are in the affirmative by 2/3 of the [] He encouraged the attending exalted rulers to be active in engaging with the Orders many national programs, including those related to youth activities, veterans service, and drug awareness. Staff writer at the Waco Tribune-Herald covering courts and criminal justice. 148, located at 1100 Henderson Street, Fort Worth, TX. /articles/2021-grand-lodge-convention-highlights. Many events have been canceled this year because of COVID-19 and we considered canceling this year, Masonic Grand Master Paul Underwood said. Visit our Officers Page to get to know the 2021 Krum Lodge Officers. Lodges. officers at Grand Chapter on August 14th, 2021 the current Grand Officers and Deputies will continue to serve and perform the duties of the office they have held since August 2019. Organizations making less than $50,000 dont have to file either form but do have to let the IRS theyre still in business via a Form 990N "e-Postcard.". The restaurant is located at 4546 Belt Line Road, Addison, TX 75001. . A copy of all documents should be added to your records by your secretaries.BE IT THEREFORE KNOWN, that all Worshipful Masters, Worthy Matrons, and Heads of Higher House must present their completed yearly calendar for coordination with the Grand Bodies Calendar. 570 and Concho Lodge No.
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